Saturday, July 25, 2009


That word is very bad
My mum seems more stressed than I am for the Trials.
Panicking every minute .likely.
Now she has a bad sore throat and can barely speak.
And she still can scream and do whatever it takes to make me study..
Isabelle's at art class, so my mum followed her, or not I wouldn't be blogging

August 15
There's a concert for the juniors to perform.
Joey has to do solo, if Zkay doesn't perform for flute.
Was deciding which song to play.
She wanted an easy song
How easy?
Think 'Mary had a little lamb'
A three note song. =,=
Then we settled for Canon in D.
Duet if Sze K goes with her..
Or not its a solo

I Want to perform.

Not for me to decide.

August 1

Clarie's birthday party.
Can't go.
aLL the cookies.

i wish i could go.
not only because of all the food ( which is btw verrry good)
Ever since the start of the year I was asking her when I could go to her house.
See her house, her doggie, her room, her piano, her alto saxaphone, basically her stuff.
I still wanna go