Wednesday, December 16, 2009

mY liFe is PuT on HoLd

It has just struck me that the date today is 17th December 2009.
Yes ,I did not care to check what the date was.
I truthfully have not been sleeping at the right time for the past week.
So my "biological clock" is on haywire mode.

A few weeks back, I (finally) cleared all my files.
Those files that I use to keep whoknowswhat.

And I have got my two-zero-one-zero planner, which is supposed to replace this year's Starbucks planner


I feel sad to leave my Starbucks planner.
Well I have to get rid of it.
Wanna know why?

My mum's gonna call me a "compulsive paper hoarder" for the rest of my life if I don't

Not only the starbucks planner , there was also a huge stack of drawings I made, a compilation of a few year's work
All had to go byebye.
I'll miss you. Stack of paper+planner

I also happened to stumble across Amanda's Christmas Present from my mum.
It has something to do with M&M's


I also went to KLWMBC's preliminary 1 .
The Thailand band was mind-blowing. Their colour guards were doing ballet..
I also happened to have seen a certain person sit behind me.
The same person who I saw last year, at the same event.
I find it odd
