Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What I scribbled XD

I am very, very, very bored. Unfortunately, there aren't any pictures to prove it.
My cameraaaaa T_T

When I'm bored, I tend to do write. Not exactly write. The words are illegible. Only I can read them. XD
Maybe its like that to protect my privacy from "some certain people"
E.g. My sis. my incredibly annoying, kepochi, sis.

So this is what I , err, scribbled

The sun rays,
the very soul,
hurt by its warmth,
its glory,
smiling down at us...

I have no idea what inspired me ....
Here's another one

The blade unsheathed,
Slitting one's wrist,
with no will,
no purpose to live,
the reason not to exist.

Again, I have no idea what I'm writting. Maybe this is what happens when I'm stuck with a pen and paper.

It scurried,
out of its little hole,
looking around,
with eyes full of innocence,
hungry for attention,
in a world full of darkness

I am clearly, random.