Thursday, June 4, 2009

My dad is STAYING??

Yesterday, after a dinner at my aunt's house. My sis and I found out why my Dad had to go out for a last-minute meeting.
I could tell , that my sister isn't very okay about it too .
This is how she told me
" Che- che, dad's staying. He might be getting a job here." >_<
And I was there with my jaw open, for ... quite a while.

My mum's kind of overjoyed with the news. I mean who can blame her? She's like, a single mum here. Plus, she has problems with their relationship. I really can't blame for being blinded in her own fantasies.

While I am not so enthusiastic about him staying. I'm happy for my mum and all. Yet, I still do not like it. I feel selfish. Not wanting my mum to be happy

Why I do not want him here.
He has not been here long enough to even see us grow.
He has no concept of cleanliness < the mess>
Now I know why is is he a manager. He manages. Not does it.
He has a temper. Worst than my mum's

My excuses are lame. I know. =,=. I'm just scared they get into fights more often.
Which I'm scared of.