Wednesday, May 19, 2010

After the mid-terms

Guess what. I figured my siblings revolves around YouTube videos.

Isabelle, autism certainly does not stop her from
1. Cutting scenes out of the videos on YouTube and creating her own comic strips out of them
2. Lol-ing while watching her random selection of parodies. Its pretty awkward suddenly hear a wave of laughter amidst silence.
3. She's using YouTube for her pixel-to-pixel editing.

The next Miss Malaysia XD
1. Looking for 'how to' videos on makeup and hair.
2 Knowing all the make-up brands available, not forgetting the latest colours for blush, eye shadow, etc....

Now, I bet she's trying to wash her face with lemon juice using sugar for exfoliation (?)
I'm as in the dark about all this.
Thank God, mid-terms are over.