Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I truthfully am content right now, filled to the brim with joy and thankful for having done so many things I love.
Let me list XD
- prefect. I got IN =o I still find it unreal
- Surviving the process of interviews to be a prefect.
- Be alive till now after all the hard work put in these few days.
- being able to still smile after 3 hours doing a poker/serious face.
- Our school band winning Wind Orchestra. Getting gold for division 2.
- Having an awesome section-mate named Brina ;)
- Still being able to write ( as in creative writing)
- Not enlisted as a band president candidate
- many many many many many more. Which I find difficulty to type out right now .

Being a prefect (still in probation) is AWESOME. It involves so much selfless work, so many people hating you and at the same time respecting you. Weird yet awesome.

Career week this week. A bunch of random people from random college/ uni's came and invaded our hall. Free stuff, brochures, inquiries. That's about it XD.
Yeah.. and yeterday there was a lecture thinghy for various courses we might take in the future.
A bunch of people and I got stuck in the ICT one. Wasn't half that bad, computer animation is rather cool.
And I have a new best friend, THE box. The box is actually a box filled with hair-clips and ect of hair accessories to sell to dress-code violators . It actually generates a hefty profit, I bet we made at least RM 10 today. shocking what a few hair clips can do.
I'm basically in charge of overall discipline. Funnest job ever